[general] title= description= bkgtext=These additional 'Tool-Elements' |simulate some useful Functions.|-Source: A 'Value-Source' |between 1 and 16 bits.|-Meter: Displays 1 to 16 bit Values |binary (via it's Clamps), hexadecimal and decimal.|-7S.: Seven-Segments-Display with build-in Decoder.|-RAM 256x8: Random-Access-Memory |with 256 Addresses with each 8 bit wideness.|-Shift-Register: Can be used as FiFo- or LiFo-Memory |or as Datarecorder of arbitrary Length from and to Datafiles.|-Random: Generates random Values between 1 to 16 bits.|-Clamps: To mark internal Testclamps or for rectangular 'wiring'.|-par. Inp.: Reflects the LPT1:-Pin-Values of the Machine.|-par. Outp.: Sets the Pin-Values of the Machine's LPT1:-Connectors.|Try the Buttons on the Build-In-Tool-Elements |to get familiar with their Variabilities.|Use Clamp-Status-Switching via Mouseclick.|Try 'Sources' and 'Meters' to verify |your Knowledge on usually coding of Integers.| bkgtextpos=6 release= released_by= introduced_by=ibh edited_by=ibh released_at= edited_at= introduced_at= elements=9 iclamps=0 oclamps=0 clk=0 idlst=9 ival=7 iidleval=0 val0=0 val1=0 val2=0 val3=0 val4=0 val5=0 val6=0 val7=0 val8=0 val9=0 hsc=0 icltop=31 ocltop=31 iclwidth=30 oclwidth=30 lmf=C:\Programme\ibh\nor\Samples\1bitcounter.nor appver= ©2005 Ing.-Büro Bechler Halle www.ebechler.de frmver=2.0 [dev0] Val=0 type=6 id=0 left=17 top=49 dig=1 wcl=0 zord=9 [dev1] Val=0 type=7 id=1 left=105 top=49 dig=4 wcl=0 zord=4 [dev2] Val=0 type=8 id=2 left=185 top=49 dig=0 dec=0 wcl=0 zord=2 [dev3] dfile= style=0 type=9 id=3 left=337 top=49 dig=18 mem=1 wcl=0 zord=7 [dev4] dfile= style=0 addmem=0 type=10 id=4 left=257 top=49 dig=11 mem=1 wcl=0 zord=6 [dev5] Val=0 type=11 id=5 left=425 top=49 dig=4 wcl=0 zord=8 [dev6] type=12 id=6 left=513 top=49 eio=0 fcv=0 wcl=0 zord=3 [dev7] type=13 id=7 left=553 top=49 clf=0 zord=1 [dev8] type=14 id=8 left=633 top=49 clf=0 zord=5