[general] title= description= bkgtext=Verify the native logic Elements Behaviour via Mouseclick |on it's Input-Clamps and |by Function 'Statustable' ie. from their Context-Menus.|Get familiar with it.|Move them with the Mouse.|Try make Connections ('Wiring') by dragging |from an Output-Clamp to in Input-Clamp |with the Mouse.| bkgtextpos=6 release= released_by= introduced_by=ibh edited_by=ibh released_at= edited_at= introduced_at= elements=5 iclamps=0 oclamps=0 clk=0 idlst=4 ival=0 iidleval=0 val0=0 val1=0 val2=0 val3=0 val4=0 val5=0 val6=0 val7=0 val8=0 val9=0 hsc=0 icltop=31 ocltop=31 iclwidth=30 oclwidth=30 lmf= appver= ©2005 Ing.-Büro Bechler Halle www.ebechler.de frmver=2.0 [dev0] type=0 id=0 left=329 top=33 zord=4 [dev1] type=1 id=1 left=329 top=105 zord=3 [dev2] type=2 id=2 left=329 top=177 zord=1 [dev3] type=3 id=3 left=329 top=249 zord=2 [dev4] type=4 id=4 left=329 top=321 zord=5